help,Q&A,bug,Lotus,Turbo,portable,Password,compress,BASIC,memory CROSSTALK Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 51)Turbo Pascal/listing typo in June 1984 issue, 2)Bugs in Lotus 1-2-3, 3)Bug in Password (May issue), 4)IBM Portable limitations,5)Compress BASIC and save memory.
help,Q&A,bug,Pascal,SCRNSAVE,Hercules,FORMAT,Password,Graftrax N. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 181)Bug in IBM Pascal, 2)Graftrax+AST spooler=MX-80 slower speed, 3)Password program difficulty, 4)DOS 2.0 FORMAT bug, 5)Don't use SCRNSAVE with Hercules card, ......continued to next record
help,Q&A,SCRNSAVE,IRMA,graphics,peek,BASIC,compiler,Scrollk N. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 18...cont. from previous record. 6)SCRNSAVE vs. IRMA, 7)Graphics card peek, 8)BASIC compiler vs. DOS 2.0 support, 9)Scrollk diff- iculty.
VisiOn,VisiCorp,review T. Bonoma "VisiOn: Enough Functionality To Sink A Ship?" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 24Review of the VisiOn system (by VisiCorp).
word processor,Leading Edge,review T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz THE PROCESSED WORD - "The Leading Edge" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 37Review of the word processor called Leading Edge (by Leading EdgeProducts).
DOS 2.0,tutorial,installable device driver,ANSI.SYS,graphics A. Boyd SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Ansi.sys, Part II" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 51Continuation of a tutorial on installable device drivers. This article shows how to control graphics functions.
1984 Summer Olympics,L.A.,yachting,sport,insert J. Bradbury "The PC Scores at the Olympics" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 60The use of IBM PCs at the 1984 Summer Olympic Games in L.A., withspecial emphasis on yachting. [Also, an insert entitled "Ten Columbias Join L.A.'s Finest"].
1984 Summer Olympics,L.A.,insert,Columbia PC,security,police "Ten Columbias Join L.A.'s Finest" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 63Insert in "The PC Scores At The Olympics" by J. Bradbury, this article describes how the L.A. Police Department is using 10 Columbia PCs for security purposes at the 1984 Summer Olympics.
BASIC,beginner,tutorial,automobile,car,gas mileage J. Dickinson BASICALLY SPEAKING - "More Basic Car Care" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 69Beginning course in BASIC. This month: Continuation of last month's program for keeping track of gas mileage, etc.
clock,monitor,screen,display,tutorial,assembly S. Holzner "Keep A Clock On Your Monitor" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 78Tutorial (with assembly listings) on how to put a running clock in the upper right corner of the screen.
printer,tutorial,interface,driver,EasyWriter II,IUS J. Dickinson THE PRINTED WORD - "The EasyWriter II Printer Driver" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 87A look at the printer driver furnished with EasyWriter II (by IUS).
communication,mainframe,asynchronous,tutorial C. Daney and T. Foth COMM LINES - "Why Asynch Isn't Always Enough" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 96Continuation of the original "Comm Lines' by K. Goldstein, this column will focus on PC-mainframe communication. This month, a review of basic terminology and concepts.
PCjr,IBM PC,BASIC,difference D, Crayne Jr BASIC vs. PC BASIC: What's the Difference?" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 99Description of the differences in BASIC for the PC and the PCjr.
public domain,free,user-supported,software N. Ford THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 102This month:, Pi-comp, Read-bas.bas, Basicaid.bas, Prgtim,,
Comdex,Atlanta,show,faire R. Duncan "Computer Pow-Wow in the the Home of the Braves" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 104Overview of the 1984 Spring Comdex that took place May 22-25 in Atlanta, Georgia.
C language,tutorial,pointer R. Jaeschke THE C SPOT - "More on Pointers" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 108Continuation on last month's tutorial on pointers (variables thatcontain the address of another variable).
BASIC,assembly,tutorial,bug,Validate H. Glosser "The BASIC Assembly Line: Getting Assembler and BASIC to Work....Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 113....Together". Seventh article in the series, this month centerson "making an assembly language subroutine cooperate with BASIC".Also, correction to bug in December issue (Validate subroutine).
review,Teach Yourself dBase II,education,American Training Int. B. Barnum MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Teach Yourself dBase II" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 117Review of Teach Yourself dBase II (by American Training Inter- national, a program designed to teach a beginner how to use dBASE II.
review,Banner,printer,sign,slogan,Sam Wilson Associates J. Dickinson MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Banner" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 117Review of Banner (by Sam Wilson Associates), a program for makingsigns (slogans, expressions, etc.). in big block letters on your printer (sideways).
review,Barney O'Blarney's Magic Spells,game,spell,education,childM. Banks MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Barney O'Blarney's Magic Spells" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 118Review of Barney O'Blarney's Magic Spells (by Cum Laude Software)a spelling game for children aged seven through eleven.
review, Sargon III,Hayden,chess,game T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Sargon III" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 118Review of the chess game called Sargon III (Hayden Software).
review,Sorcerer,game,Infocom D. Crayne MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Sorcerer" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 119Review of the text adventure game called Sorcerer (by Infocom).
review, Active Trace,Awareco,utility,BASIC H. Glosser MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Active Trace" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 120Review of Active Trace (by Awareco), a utility program for tracking down problems in BASIC programs.
review,Fraction Fever,game,Spinnaker D. Crayne MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Fraction Fever" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 121Review of Fraction Fever (by Spinnaker), a game intended for children from age 7 on up.
assembly,tutorial,string instruction R. Duncan THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "8088 String Instructions" Softalk 84/07 Jul v.3 127Tutorial on 8088 string instructions that allow one, in a very efficient manner, to "inspect, clear, move, compare, or translatea byte or word string".
help,Q&A,8087,benchmark,APL,heat,step rate,drive,Sanyo DMC6114 CROSSTALK Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 81)8087 benchmark with APL, 2)Heat (temperature) problems, 3)More on (disk drive) step rate, 4)Interfacing a Sanyo model DMC6114 RGB monitor.
help,Q&A,GIC,interrupt,DOS 2.0,BASIC,Radio Shack,printer,linefeedN. Andrews QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 161)Program GIC (Generic Interrupt Caller) for making calls to in- terrupts (e.g., DOS calls from BASIC), 2)Avoiding extra linefeedswhen connecting to Radio Shack TRS-80 Daisywheel II printer.
interview,Dyson,industry watcher,observer,newsletter,RELease 1.0 N. Andrews "Ester Dyson: Portrait of an Industry Watcher" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 27Interview with Ester Dyson, a microcomputer industry watcher who writes a newsletter called RELease 1.0. [Also, insert entitled "RELease 1.0: A Sampler"].
Dyson,industry watcher,observer,newsletter,RELease 1.0,insert "RELease 1.0: A Sampler" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 31Insert in "Ester Dyson: Portrait of an Industry Watcher" by N. Andrews, this article contains excerpts from RELease 1.0 (a newsletter written by E. Dyson).
DOS,tutorial,command line editor,EDLIN,function key A. Boyd SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Command Line Editing in DOS" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 33Tutorial on the command line editing capability of DOS (i.e., thecommand line editor that uses the ten function keys and/or EDLIN)
communication,mainframe,synchronous,tutorial,Bysync,IBM C. Daney and T. Foth COMM LINES - "By George, BiSync!" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 39Continuation of last month's column on PC-mainframe communicationcovering terminology and concepts of synchronous communication. Discussion of Bysync (IBM's Binary Synchronous discipline).
Okidata,printer,plug compatible,PROM,chip,review J. Dickinson "First You Plug, The You Play" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 44Review of the new Okidata printers that are truly plug compatiblewith IBM (i.e., you change two PROM chips to obtain this).
word processor,Microsoft Word,review T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz THE PROCESSED WORD - "Microsoft Word" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 54Review of the word processor called Microsoft Word (by Microsoft)
movie,film,hollywood K. Talley-Jones "Micros and Moviemaking: The PC Vies for a Supporting Role" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 68The use of PCs in the moviemaking industry.
printer,tutorial,interface,driver,Lotus 1-2-3 J. Dickinson THE PRINTED WORD - "1-2-3's Printer Driver" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 79A look at the printer driver furnished with Lotus 1-2-3 (by LotusDevelopment Corporation).
BASIC,assembly,tutorial,LOCATION,safe,memory H. Glosser "The BASIC Assembly Line: How to Load an Assembly Language.......Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 84....Subroutine Safely". Eighth article in the series, this montha program (LOCATION) is given that will locate an area in memory where an ASM subroutine (called from BASIC) can be loaded.
Turbo Pascal,tutorial,include,chain,file B. Webster and D. Wendt PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "Including and Chaining" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 93Tutorial on the differences between include files and chain fileswith special emphasis on Turbo Pascal.
BASIC,beginner,tutorial,automobile,car,gas mileage,Restore,array J. Dickinson BASICALLY SPEAKING-"Fine-Tuning Car Care with Restore and Arrays"Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 97Beginning course in BASIC. This month: Continuation of last month's program for keeping track of gas mileage, etc. Arrays and the Restore statement are emphasized this month.
PCjr,beginner,DOS,tutorial,Type,ASCII K. Talley-Jones BEGINNERS' CORNER - "ASCII: and More about the Type Command" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 102Tutorial on DOS, aimed at the PCjr owner. This month: a) the Type command, and b) the ASCII standard.
C language,tutorial,pointer R. Jaeschke THE C SPOT - "Still More Pointer Pointers" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 105Continuation on last month's tutorial on pointers (variables thatcontain the address of another variable).
public domain,free,user-supported,software,shareware N. Ford THE PUBLIC LIBRARY Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 110This month: Scroll.bld, QPrint.bin, QClear.bin, B-Simple.bas,AXX,Basparm, Bastodos.bas, LBas,exe, PC-Musician, PCPG, RBBS,PC-Golf,Letus A-B-C, Epistat 3.0, FX Setup. "Shareware" idea is discussed
help,Q&A,WordStar,tab,IBM Pascal Compiler,bug,Scrnsave,Smartcom THE PATCH PATCH Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 1121)WordStar tab tips, 2)IBM Pascal Compiler 1.00 bug/fix, 3)Auto- exec.bat for selecting Scrnsave or not (e.g., when incompati- bility exists with programs like Smartcom).
review,Databurst,Key Solutions,utility,screen,keyboard H. Glosser MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Databurst" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 114Review of Databurst (by Key Solutions), a system (utility) for screen and keyboard control.
review,FilePath,SDA Associates,DOS 2.0,utility J. Dickinson MARKETALK REVIEWS - "FilePath" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 116Review of FilePath (by SDA Associates), a program that "does for text and data files what path does for program files".
review,PFS:Access,Software Publishing Co.,communication J. Bradbury MARKETALK REVIEWS - "PFS:Access" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 118Review of PFS:Access (by Software Publishing Co.), telecommunica-tion program in the PFS series.
assembly,tutorial,logical instruction,bit,Boolean R. Duncan THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "A Tutorial on the Logical Instructions" Softalk 84/08 Aug v.3 122Tutorial on 8088 logical instructions that provide bitwise Bool- ean operations on either byte or word data (useful for clearing, setting, testing, and merging bit fields).